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Swimsuit Confidence

Holiday Girls Tell All!

Uncover Your Inner Holiday Girl - Make The Most Of Your Summer Breaks

"I used to have fun". Donna's line in Mama Mia struck a chord. More like the Incredible Hulk had just whacked a gong the size of my local footy field! I still feel it today. Summer holidays are precious and the perfect time to relax and be you. Question is, would you give yourself permission to peel back the layers and be the real you? Is it just too hard or have you simply forgotten?

Wife, Mother, Daughter, Career Girl, Volunteer...the list is endless and the hats we shuffle, many. Exhausting at times but also rewarding.

But in all that shuffling, we become lost. Some of us more than others, Some for moments, others for much longer. The layers of duty some how manage to burry the gem within.

At Sequins and Sand, we believe there is a Holiday Girl in all of us. That all she needs is a gentle hand up every now and then, to give her permission and the know-how to shine once more.

Tips and insights on things like Health, Beauty & Body, Travel, Style and just about anything to spark and re-ignite the Holiday Girl within.

Fabulous bloggers with the insight and healthy dash of humour will be our guest Holiday Girls from time to time, adding to the richness and brilliance of how to unearth the gem within you and to shine.

Soon, the Holiday Girl blog will be changed to enable you to leave your tips and insights for other girls like you, who just want to have fun on their next summer break.

We are very excited about this new chapter in the life of Sequins and Sand and hope you will be too. It is our wish to be the place you can turn to pick up an idea or two, to give you the nudge you need to have a go again and to just be there when you want to have a chat.

To the Holiday Girl in all of us! To the girl who used to have fun and the one who can once more!

Anita & The Girls @
Sequins and your best summer!