Grab your book and head to the beach or by the pool for relaxing summer days. Time to yourself. Yes!
Summer holidays are the perfect time to relax back with a book. We asked our Community of fabulous women what they are planning on reading this summer. Here's what they said.
How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age - Dale Carnegie (reading for the 3rd time.)
Who Not How - Dan Sullivan & Dr Benjamin Hardy and
Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
(thanks Veronica)
A Joyful Life by Sally Holden - thanks Trish.
The Deborah Challinor Convict series - thanks Julie Anne
- Behind The Sun
- Girl of Shaddows
- The Silk Thief
- A Tattooed Heart
Mrs Winterbottom takes a Gap Year by Joanna Nell
Tea Ladies by Amanda Hampson (thanks Vicki).
Covenant of water - Abraham Verghese
Shell Seekers - Rosamunde Pilcher (thanks Cheryl Ann)
What a fabulous selection. As for me, I've packed with me to re-read The Upgrade by Dr Louanne Brizendine. It's brilliant. Our brains just keep on getting better ladies. And this book explains how.
Happy summer!
Anita xx
Founder & Owner : Sequins and Sand