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Swimsuit Confidence


Sensational Summer Reading List (for 2023)

Anita McLachlan - 24th December 2023

Grab your book and head to the beach or by the pool for relaxing summer days. Time to yourself. Yes!

Grab your book and head to the beach or by the pool for relaxing summer days. Time to yourself. Yes!

Summer holidays are the perfect time to relax back with a book. We asked our Community of fabulous women what they are planning on reading this summer. Here's what they said.

How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age - Dale Carnegie (reading for the 3rd time.)

Who Not How - Dan Sullivan & Dr Benjamin Hardy and

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
(thanks Veronica)

A Joyful Life by Sally Holden - thanks Trish.

The Deborah Challinor Convict series - thanks Julie Anne

  • Behind The Sun
  • Girl of Shaddows
  • The Silk Thief
  • A Tattooed Heart

Mrs Winterbottom takes a Gap Year by Joanna Nell

Tea Ladies by Amanda Hampson (thanks Vicki).

Covenant of water - Abraham Verghese

Shell Seekers - Rosamunde Pilcher (thanks Cheryl Ann)

What a fabulous selection. As for me, I've packed with me to re-read The Upgrade by Dr Louanne Brizendine. It's brilliant. Our brains just keep on getting better ladies. And this book explains how.

Happy summer!
Anita xx
Founder & Owner : Sequins and Sand