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Swimsuit Confidence


Free Menopause Resource Guide

Anita McLachlan - 27th March 2024

Become your own health advocate. Empower yourself with knowledge of what's going on in your body during your Menopause transition...because odds on, you're doctor doesn't.

Download your free Menopause Resource Guide and become your own health advocate. Empower yourself with knowledge of what's going on in your body during your Menopause transition...because odds on, you're doctor doesn't.

"Menopause and perimenopause are still a black box to most doctors, leaving patients
exasperated as they grapple with symptoms...menopause doesn't impact just the
ovaries, but is a hormonal show which the brain takes centre stage." (Dr Lisa Mosconi -
'The Menopause Brain').

The decline of oestrogen as we women age and go through Menopause influences
everything in our body. It has a major impact on how we feel as our body responds.
Your brain fog, your forgetfulness does not mean you are going crazy. Your mood
swings, explosive anger, anxiety, your deeper feelings of depression, heart
palpitations, muscle aches and joint pain, rise in body temperature, lack of sleep, dry
mouth, dry skin, urinary frequency and pain, lack of libido...are all very real and
common symptoms women feel during their Menopause transition.

Misdiagnosis and treatments are often the result as our symptoms are treated in
isolation rather than looking at our body as an interconnected whole.

To help you become better educated on what's going on in this stage of life, I have put
together a list of resources for you. It's by no means exhaustive but hopefully it's a
great head start. I will build on it as I discover more reliable resources.

"Menopause is not a disease--it's a planned change, like puberty. And just like puberty,
we should be educated on what's to come years in advance, rather than the current
practice of leaving people on their own with bothersome symptoms and too much
conflicting information. Knowing what is happening, why, and what to do about it is
both empowering and reassuring." (Dr Jen Gunter - 'The Menopause Manifesto').

My want for you is that through arming yourself with the right information, you'll be
able, with greater confidence, to ask questions of your health professional team
members. To open up that black box with them and together, find the right help you
need for your very individual experience.

If you know of any resources that should be on this list, please email me at
and I'll add them in.

Let's do this together, for each other and for the future health of our daughters and

Share it on. Let's be the change we need to see happen.
We have much to do!

Anita xx
Founder: Sequins and Sand

File download:

Download File: Menopause Resource Guide (PDF 908.5 kb)