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Swimsuit Confidence


Be a Podcast Guest!

Anita McLachlan - 11th July 2024

Would you like to be a guest on Midlife Unfiltered - The Season of Me podcast? Sharing your Menopause story.

Woohoo and hello there! We hope this finds you well.

In Season 2 of the podcast, Erica & I are talking Menopause. Yep THAT hot topic.
And we'd love you to join us!

Learning from experts is certainly valuable (and we have those lined up), but what makes the learnings richer is adding real life experience to the mix. That adds another dimension - an emotional connection.

We've got 4x 20 minute spots available. Would you like to be our guest on one of them?
Erica is looking for 2 from her community and I'm looking for 2, too :)

Here's How To Apply:
Simply email us your short answers to the 3 questions below to
Attach a voice message if you can do that. We'd love to hear from you...literally :)

:: Q1: What stage in the menopause transition are you currently in? Peri-menopause (still getting your period but not so predictably or you may have regular periods but they have changed, you feel changes within you like mood swings, migraines, sweats...things are different - usually between about age 35-52 for many of us in our 40's) or Post-Menopausal stage (it's been at least a year since your last period or you've been told by your health team that you are post-menopausal).

:: Q2: If you are Post-Menopausal what was the 'nature' of your transition? - a) Natural (not medically or surgically induced) OR b)Surgically Induced with ovaries removed OR c)Medically Induced - because of treatment/illness.

:: Q3: Your age.

We'd like a diversity in the stories shared, hence the questions.

Deadline: 16th July 2024 Be quick girls! We have a recording deadline we're working to so we can get Season 2 out once Season 1 has completely aired, hence the deadline date for your entry.

Thanks so much. You are awesome!
I look forward to receiving your entry soon.
