Menopause: Too many women have suffered in silence due to gender bias in our health system, a lack of information about peri and menopause, and a lack of affordable treatments. You can help change this. The opportunity is ripe right now.
Policy gets changed in our country through government processes. An important step in that process is taking suggestions to the Senate.
An important submission was recently made to a Senate Inquiry Committee by a team dedicated to women's health advancement. Dr Kelly Teagle was one of those on that team. {You may have heard her on my Midlife Unfiltered - The Season of Me podcast with Erica Webb sharing her expert knowledge on the menopause transition}. She works very hard for us in this space.
The Senate Committee members made their way through 285 submissions and 7 hearings with 118 witnesses this year, and handed down a comprehensive set of recommendations last month. Yes!! The wheels of change are in motion.
But...they may stop. Remember, this kind of change is a often long, slow process.
The government now has 3 months to respond, and there are no guarantees that they will accept these recommendations or act on them.
The time is NOW to keep pushing to get what has been a brilliant beginning, over the line.
Important action you can take right now, is to let your local member know about the submission and the committee's recommendations to keep
Below is a link that will take you to the WellFemme website where Dr Kelly Teagle has prepared a template for a letter you can use to forward on to your local member of parliament.
Take action. Share it on. This is for us right now and for the generations that follows. Let's close the gap on women's health and help women get the important support they need for this phase of life. A phase that every single woman will go through.
In the words of Dr Kelly "We urge you to please take 5 minutes to send this email, and copy in your local MP. It's a small but powerful gesture that might make all the difference to services, treatments and conditions for present and future generations of peri and menopausal women."
Thanks ladies. Hop to it :)
Anita xx
Important Links:
- WellFemme website : for the template of a letter you can pass on to your local MP.
- The list of 25 recommendations the Senate Committee Inquiry into Peri/menopause made to government. FYI.
- Follow Dr Kelly Teagle on LinkedIn for updates.
- Follow WellFemme on insta and FB for updates.