Jen's Story & Top Tips: "I NEVER shopped online until two years ago when illness forced me to. I was stuck at home going through cancer treatment. So in the wee hours of the morning I opened my I-pad and started shopping and have never looked back." Jen shares her Top Tips for Shopping Smart Online. After all, she is expert at it now!
"Spring has arrived and the sunshine is making a daily appearance here in Adelaide. The walking tracks at the beach are heaving with people shedding their winter indulgences and gardens are coming to life with buds blooming. It's time to put away winter layers and get your summer wardrobe ready. How's yours looking? Does it need a top up, maybe an overhaul?
This is the perfect time to scour those online stores and get inspired. Let's talk online shopping. So you're browsing online (maybe for the first time) and have found something you like (need). You're giddy with excitement and your heart is thumping in anticipation of having the gorgeous piece of clothing delivered to your door but your brain is swirling with a flood of questions. Will it fit? What size am I? What if I don't like it?.... you know where I'm coming from don't you☺
I NEVER shopped online until two years ago when illness forced me to. I was stuck at home going through cancer treatment. My body shape was rapidly changing (getting bigger) my self- esteem was shaky, I wasn't receiving great service when I did manage to get to the shops and I was bored...craaazy bored. So in the wee hours of the morning I opened my I-pad and started shopping and have never looked back.
Having worked in fashion retail for 20 plus years I LOVE to shop. I get a kick out of touching clothes, feeling textures and trying things on...did I tell you I love to shop?
So why am I an online shopping convert? Online shopping can be done anywhere, your pyjamas, on the bus, watching your kids play sport, on your lunch break (because we would never be surfing the net while working ). You can do it before the kids wake up or while your significant other is sleeping. Your parcels are delivered to your door and they usually come beautifully wrapped with a personal note.
Online shopping can come with pitfalls though so you need to know a thing or two so let me take you through some of my top tips to help make your online shopping experience a good one.
1. KNOW YOUR MEASUREMENTS: We all know how much sizing varies in regular stores and it's the same for online stores so you need to arm yourself with a measuring tape, strip down to your underwear (or get nude if that takes your fancy) and get to know your body. Yes that's right, you'll need to face some truths and read the numbers, but don't panic, no freaking out necessary. You are who you are (so accept who you are right now today) but getting your numbers right is going to ensure you get the most flattering fit and look smoking hot. We often say "age is just a number" and I like to think the same with clothing's just a number. Get the wrong number and you'll look and feel uncomfortable but if you get the right number for you then you'll look and feel fabulous. So check the sizing guide tab when choosing clothes online, compare your measurements with their guide and remember size is just a number.
2. ZOOM IN: I always like to zoom in and get a close up look of a fabric to see the texture and colour. Look for things like zips and waistbands, where pockets or ties sit. Are the sleeves loose or is there a button closure, are there side splits, what's the rear view really like? Look at the height and size of the model and where hemlines and leg lengths sit on her. If you are 5ft and she is 6ft there's going to be a difference. Look at the detail in prints, sometimes prints look fabulous from a distance but get up close and you might cringe. On the flipside sometimes I've zoomed in and been sold on the detailing I've seen.
3. CHECK THE RETURNS POLICY: We all know that sinking feeling when we try something on and it just isn't right. We want to feel amazing in our clothes and not get stuck with something that will hang in the back of our wardrobe so always check the returns policy. You need to know if the online store will return for wrong sizing or faulty items and whether there is a time limit for returns or any postage charges to you. Check the retailer has solid contact details like a shop front, address, or phone details. If you are unsure of their policy call the company first.
4. MAKE USE OF TABS: You can narrow down your search and save time by clicking on a specific item category. Don't forget to check out the sale section as there's usually great bargains. There's also the sizing and care tabs near items and sometimes a review tab, customer reviews can be very helpful but don't always take them as gospel.
5. SUBSCRIBE: Sign up to receive emails, most companies are respectful and won't spam your inbox but subscribing can pay off BIG time for you. Specials, sales, birthday vouchers, VIP events and coupon codes are all something you want and these come via e-mail. Some sites also send out blog updates or newsletters so hand over your e-mail. A good tip is to create an e-mail account purely for your shopping subscriptions.
6. PLAY NICE: You've all seen it when people fly into a rage and let their thoughts spill out via a key board...those nasty online rants. So ugly (shudder). I always like to give a company an opportunity to rectify a problem, remember this is someone's livelihood and most people don'tgo out of their way to give poor service, mistakes happen. If you can't get satisfaction via email then phone them. Remember point 3? – check their contact details before purchasing. Be fair, use your manners and you're more likely to have a problem resolved but nasty venomous rants will get you absolutely nowhere. Companies also love to receive good feedback ( let's face it we all do), so if you're happy with the service then send some love their way and drop them a line or post a nice review on their site.
7. CKECK THE DETAILS Always check your payment details and confirmation details, I like to screen shot mine (snap a photo on Ipad or mobile), shopping late at night can mean tired eyes so sometimes you can make mistakes. I once fluffed my address but luckily an eagle eyed person on the other end picked up the mistake and sent me a courtesy email and it was rectified. (phew) You usually receive a confirmation email of payment or a dispatch notice and sometimes even a tracking number. Don't forget to factor in shipping costs, sometimes shipping is free over a certain spend amount or there may be a small charge. Either way when I take into consideration getting dressed, driving to a shop and dealing with crowds, the shipping cost is soooo worth it. You can't put a price on being able to shop in your pyjamas, in bed... with a cuppa ☺
8. PACE YOURSELF: It's pretty easy to get carried away popping items in your cart, there's so many pretties online but before you know it you take a peek at your running total and realize you might need to take a second mortgage out on the house. Slow down Nelly, before you press 'purchase' ask yourself if you really need that same dress in all the colours of the rainbow...well do you? If there's a wish list in the tab section then add the pieces to that or fill your shopping cart and then re- asses. Ask yourself will your intended items work back with what's in your wardrobe? Will they be versatile? Are they easy to care for? Are they appropriate for the season? Will it really flatter your figure or are you envisioning yourself as the model on the site? I sometimes get confused and think I'm her LOL. Don't be too hasty and regret your purchases, remember you work hard for your dollars so make your wardrobe work hard for you. Sometimes you can leave your cart sitting there for an hour or so, go have a cuppa or peek inside your wardrobe to see what you really need then come back with a clear head to make your purchase.
So there you have it a solid guide for shopping online. It doesn't need to be scary and please don't feel intimidated. It's like anything practice makes perfect. Have some fun and happy shopping ladies.
Light n love Jenni x
Jenni Eyles is mum to 2 teenage sons and wife to her mister living life to the full after a Breast Cancer diagnosis at 41 shook her world. When she's not writing amazingly insightful blog posts for Sequins and Sand you'll find her on Facebook at where she talks all things curvy and shares styling and lifestyle tips.